A simple collection of dzikrs and duas that are to be recited during the tawaf.
With these cards, it could assist with making the Tawaf be it for Sunat or Umrah with ease.
Each cards are with different dzikir / doa and with a ring holder that could be placed on your thumb while making the Tawaf
Please note that these cards are simple dzikirs and doas for guidance, Jemaah may add on with their own doa's or dzikirs.
List of Zikirs
🔸 Astagfirullahal Azhim
🔸 Subhanallah
🔸 Allahu Akbar
🔸 Alhamdulillah
🔸 La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azim
🔸 Ya Zhal Jalali Wal Ikram
🔸 Allahumma Solli Ala Saidina Muhammad